Giuseppe Serembe "Songs” - Comune di San Cosmo Albanese - Gianni Oliva: Savoia, nine hundred years of History, Mondadori - Various Authors : “Four years olds ”, Parragon.– Thorkild Hansen"Arabia Felix" Iperborea - Rocco Scotellaro: "Tribute to.." Edizioni Squilibri" - Aracne – Margherita Sabatini , "L'incantesimo della casa bianca”, Centro Minerva edizioni- Giovanna Benetti, “The lords of ligurian wine ”, De Ferrari editore, – Autori Vari : "Microhistories " Emiliani Rapallo- Rossella Lovascio : “Days and words" - Progedit – Leuzzi, Pansini, Esposito: " Racial lows in Puglia" - Progedit –Ninel Podgornaja : "And Alexander Serghievic is going for a walk on the cathedral square ", Riga Lettonia.–Aldo Carnevale: "The wait ".Prospettiva Editrice –Joseph Ratzinger : “Jesus's life”, Rizzoli editore- Antonio Spagnuolo "Breaking to put in order" Kairos Napoli
Nicola Perasso, Writer of the time on the walls of sky - Aldo Carnevale, a poetry made of scratches and screeching driven into the bushes of experience - Egle Bolognesi, research of being in the transformation of reality- Aniello Dell'Aversana, when poetry is tinged with the colors of rainbow - Alessandro Monticelli,Crossing between images and words in the colours of time - Nadia Blardone, the daily dissociation of images, Nicoletta Santini, metamorphosis of pictures and colors - Giovanna Li Volti Guzzardi, distances and souvenirs in the mirrors of memory - Luigi Diego Eléna, iconographic fadings by lightning of the words - Michela Albanese, The eternity of the moment and its wonders Alessandra Forte Cesselon, the caustic bitterness of epigrams - Margherita Faustini, the religious sentiment of time and spaces ,Gabriella Garofalo,tangles and reflections in the metropolitan half-light – Massimiliano Antonucci, the precariousness of equilibrium - Giuseppe d’Errico, the poet loved and appreciated by Carlo Bo - Valentina Incardona Special prize at the International Poetry Competition “Aldo Spallicci” - Castrocaro Terme September 2006;
Salvatore Bertollo, the aristocratic extrapolation of moments and history - Francesco Casaretto, a great love for Ligury - Mario Fabbrini, a life wrapped from the lights and the colors of the art - Francesco Sciaccaluga and the research of real along the corridors of the soul - The maritime art of Emanuela Tenti – Piero Arrighini and the vision of atmospheres - Franco Ferrero, a life designed with passion
Events - Poetry competition “A.PI.C.E.”Poets awarded - Cervo Ligure - Castelfiorito - Photograf competition at Cantalupo Ligure…Poetry and literary competitions: – Apice - Vittoria Colonna -Museo Civico di Palazzo Madama - Premio città di Arona - Il Giunco - Italo Carretto Unitre di castel San Giovanni Il Convivio - Il Salterio -News from Publishers: Garzanti – ObarraOedizioni – Edizioni Il Foglio – Progedit – Edizioni Esserci – Maremmi – CascinaMacondo – Lieto Colle – Ediciclo – Editor Ala de cuervo– Immagine per il Piemonte – Micrologus – Luca Sossella – Le nubi edizioni -Puntoacapo Editrice- Etas -: News: NCI – Centro Edizioni Esserci – Franco Pastore –Association Banco of brotherhood and liberty – WorldWide Info: ALIAS (Literary Academy italian-australian writers) – Micrologus - Carlos Barbaritos – Editorial Ala de Cuervo – Gabriel Impaglione - Teódulo López Meléndez
A.Pi.C.E. – A Coalinn-a
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