“The eternity of the moment  and its wonders”


Michela Albanese was born in Gallarate (Varese) on 27 June 1978, lives in Cassano Magnago (VA) together with her husband Maurizio and daughter Celeste three years. She has always been fascinated by poetry, changing in lyric a smile, a landscape, a song, a face, a sad or happy emotion.
She transforms in poetry state of mind and daily life divided between the family and the Social Cooperative for disabled " The Seed" (Cardano al Campo, VA), in which she works. In 2006 has published her first collection of poems "Drops love” with a preface by Lidia Mari Crespi. In 2007 won first prize at the poetry competition launched by the Association A.PI.C.E. (Association Piedmontese against epilepsy) “Plate to poetic worth". Dictamundi presents here the collection of lyrics with which she participated and won.


Critical comment :

The emotion, immediate and intense, that the lyrics of this young poet raise, is induced by her “nearly magical” ability to read in the Nature, and to make us perceiving the signs of a sensibility that connotes itself of the same quivers and feelings of the human soul. From here, the vision of a landscape that, also in the concreteness of its individuality, seems suspended in an atmosphere of remoteness, unreal, where the play of chiaroscuro effects of silences and sounds, lights and shadows - evident significant effect of personal experiences – becomes metaphor  of flowing and stretching of her real life.
Emotions and experiences always substantiated by the power of Love: for Life, for Nature, for the Human creatures. Love sublimated in the sacredness of family affection.
The expressive instrument relies on an essential language, by syntax elementary, whose suggestion flows mainly from the fascination of splendid synaesthesiae, not created on the purpose, but flowing, fresh and immediate, from a mind of rare, precious sensibility.
(Comments of Lidia Mari Crespi – translation by DictaMundi
Michela Albanese is part of a game, too often forgotten in the garret, in which the poetry banishes the presumption on behalf of humility .
Her ability to explore the interior of the things, to interpret the inner and the hidden, makes me penetrate in the far away atmosphere of a world in which children showed respect for adults and the strongest supported the weak.
Her poetry throws me in a planet populated by alien beings capable without shame to shed a tear of the emotion.

(Cesare Bevilacqua, President A.PI.C.E – Association Piedmontese Against Epilepsy)

On the occasion of the review of her nice volume of lyric “Drops of Love”, on DictaMundi I had written:
 “In a more and more stunned society from the uproar and the deafening voice of the appearances, Michela still succeeds to listen the ripple of the flight of one butterfly and the silence of the reason; she records in the air her poetic graffiti, blows them over the transit of clouds, makes them drowsy in the colours of a Tuscany sunset.  With simplicity and candour she transforms into poetry the fugacity of the time and, without some regret or nostalgia of it, she tastes the joys and the lights, eternalizing the moment and its wonders”.
(Commento di Pier Luigi Coda)

The poems:


Una fragile bimba
nel tuo corpo
di donna
poco prima della scossa.

I tuoi muscoli invasi
come da lampo improvviso,
come da saetta
nel cielo,
ti buttano a terra.

Una statua buia
in te,
pietra nella carne.

Mi copro gli occhi
con le mani
e appare il nulla.

Le lacrime imprimono
il ricordo
nella mente,
ma il cuore
lo nasconde.

il tuo sorriso radioso
ed io ti abbraccerò
stretta a me.


una diversa abilità d'amare.

attraverso un mondo cieco
e canto
senza gambe,
senza braccia
l'essenziale del vivere.

Tutto ciò che è detto normale
è illogico.

Il diverso
è quotidiano
e palpabile.

Differently Abled
I meet/ one different ability to love./I watch/ through a blind world/ and dumb/I sing/ running/without legs,/seizing/ without arms/the essential thing of the living./All that / is said normal/it is illogical./The different is everyday /and palpable.


Un cielo d'oleandri
accompagna il mio cammino
tra i ciottoli del villaggio.

Percorro la via del mare.

Un insolito profumo
di mimosa
mi scorge incuriosita,
mentre dedico agli affetti
il mio tempo migliore.

Ai miei piedi,
la dolce infanzia
gioca lieta
tra sabbia
e formine colorate.

l'amore della vita
mi sorride,
per godere insieme
di quest'attimo
di paradiso.

Family scent
A sky of oleanders follows my way/ between the  pebbles of the village./I cover the way of the sea./An unusual scent/ of mimosa/ notices my curiosity,/ while I dedicate to the affections/my better time./To my feet,/the sweet infancy/ plays cheerful/between sand/and colorful little molds./Near,/the love of the life/ smiles to me,/ in order to enjoy together/ this moment/of paradise.


Un tenue sole si specchia
della spuma salmastra,
ove lascio
alla fredda sabbia
i segni del mio passaggio.

Un aquilone
s'affaccia sulla riviera
nella brezza di Giugno.

La gente abbraccia Rimini
tra suoni,
e la sua quotidiana allegria.

Footprints on the shore
 A faint sun is mirrored/in the coming and going/of the salt foam,/where I leave/to  the cold sand/the signs of my passage./A kite/ appears on the coast/ in the breeze of June./People embrace Rimini/between sounds,/colors/and its daily joy.


Ho ballato col buio
mio malgrado,
ho toccato la notte

Ho gridato
la mia voglia di libertà,
di sole.

È giorno.
La notte lascia posto all'alba.

In uno spiraglio,
un raggio
mi punge lieve.

La fenice,
risorta dalle ceneri,
prende il volo
in me.

Appare la luce.

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