The daily dissociation of images


Born in Rivoli (Turin) on 21 November 1953, she lives in Turin, with her husband Nicola and their two children Matteo and Enrico. After the degree and years teaching school she works as a scholastic manager.
Since girl, the possibility to write poems has been the anchor to which welding the deepest part of her uniqueness, the last root of her identification. Poetry is always immersion in interior silence, a valuable instrument for the search of meaning, strength to create for being. After writing poems in her lifetime, keeping them jealously for herself (with some occasional lovely concessions to her husband and a few very intimate friend, in 2007, by the encouragement of the poet Giancarlo Montalto, participates randomly, for the first time, to the national literary competition "Garcia Lorca" winning the first prize (in the section “unpublished poetry”, the first prize in the section “M.T. Bignelli” – love poetry – and she awarded a mention for the section “Unpublished story”.
In 2008 she was awarded by "A.P.I.C.E plate to the poetry worth” .
 The pleasure of exciting recognition from other readers produces a strong and joyful creative stimulation, lived as a search of contact in an ideal place that is experience of life that becomes shared word..
Her great  desire is a publication of lyric that also reach the young people, and makes them fond of poetry and offer them the push to seek their talent that, if freely supported and expressed, can also solve complicated lives and however offer moments of genuine happiness.

Critical comment:

No, it is not a robotic lyric operated with the joystick that of Nadia Blardone.
No, not the universe does not belong to her in which the embryonic stem cells are the only bright future of humanity.
She shall take the distances.
She is a woman ravished by sentiments in a world that can be unbearable if devoid of them. It is simple expression of acute sensitivity and demureness in showing the most intimate throbs of her own vibrations.
To approach the poetic of Nadia Blardone means to move closer to the concept of representation not pleased of a conciliation understood as the choice of not appearing but to express.
(Comment by Cesare Bevilacqua )

Going beyond. To free oneself beyond the borders of the sky, crossing the breath, the thought, to defy the clarity of the air in order to land on the rivers of memories that it is impossible to acknowledge because they are transformed in their travelling, in the placing above of their same existing, because they are regenerated like new entities, various, often disowned.
The poetry of Nadia Blardone originates in the dimensions of the daily: captures the contours, the impalpable moments that nearly mark in imperceptible way the existence: the windows opened, the curtains drawn, the desert rooms, coming down the stairs; the banal attentions of the day dig in the mind in order to be confronted with the limits of own being and, from here, to leave again to discover them amazingly various, nearly other people's matter that is at a distance observed/dissected in sliding of fragments or films of other histories and other lives.
Her analysis is dissolved in a slow comparison with herself, without to hurry the step, indeed, weighing it to every coming down of steps nearly tried to understand the truer signs that escape in their usual repeating of gestures, as a “copy and paste” of days and nights. Then, the liberator wriggle, the evaporation towards the highest skies until touching clouds and running after mornings between the bloomed heather of beautiful reefs in Brittany or between the crowded coffees of Paris.
(Comment by Pier Luigi Coda)



scendendo le scale
farò appoggiare
il peso su ogni scalino
per lasciare l´impronta del passare

sarà l´azzurro a espandere il respiro
fino a mescolare l´aria col pensiero
e farli ritornare tutt´uno

penetrando nella terra come nella mia cantina
frantumerò il bulbo spargendone i semi
per lasciarli rifiorire

sarà a Parigi in un caffè
animato a Saint Germain des Prés
o fra l´erica rossa di un´isola bretone
che osserverò le dita dei piedi
bagnarsi di pioggia e le narici dilatarsi
al passaggio carezzevole del vento


Future after descending the stairs/ I will support/ the weight on each step/ to leave the print of passing/Outside/ the azure will be to expand the breath/ until to mix the air with the thought and make them togheter return/ inside/ getting into the earth as into my cellar I’ll shatter the bulb scattering the seeds to let them blossoming./ Meanwhile/ it will be in Paris in a coffee animated in Saint Germain des Prés or between the red heather of a Breton isle that I’ll look at the toes of my feet/ getting wetof rain and the nostrils expand/ to the velvety passage of wind/ Again.


Diventare primavera
con lingua di petali di loto
ingoiare foglie di rugiada
raspare con zoccoli caprini
l´inverno della terra
zolle di fango indurito
da nutrire con biologici concimi.

Intorno danze di insetti ronzanti
vorticose giostre di falene
alberi di ciliegio
dentro ad ogni biancofiore api regine
fuggite da prigioni d´alveare
in ogni cella in dono gocce di miele.

Terminata la fioritura
neonati fili d´erba già a marcire
noccioli sputati senza polpa
raccogliersi in pozzanghere
come in acque estreme
il cielo rattrappito in un riflesso.

Afferrare al volo un refolo di vento
sottrarre di soppiatto il libero respiro
ritornare nuvola.
Return/ to become spring/ with a tongue with petals of Lotus/ to swallow leaves of dew/ to scratch with goat hooves/  the winter of the earth/ clods of mud hardened/ to nourish with organic fertilizers./ Around dances of buzzing insects/ frenzied carousel of moths/ trees of cherry/ inside each whiteflower queen bees/ fled from beehive prisons/ in each cell in gift drops of honey./ Completed the flowering/ infants blade of grass already rotten/ kernels spitted without pulp/ collected in puddles/ like in the extreme waters/ the numbing sky in a reflection./ To grasp a breath of wind/ removing stealthily the free breath/ evaporating/ returning cloud.


Dalla piazza
osservare le finestre di casa
le tende tirate a celare intime sostanze
consumate in gallerie sotterranee
formicolanti di gesti e di parole.

Immaginare imposte sbattute dal vento
su stanze deserte ormai abbandonate
le impronte del passaggio segnate
dal peso anoressico del vuoto.

Esplorare con la lingua
se i denti rimasti potranno bastare
per masticare ancora amarognole cicute
scavando con unghie fragili pareti rocciose
a cercare briciole di lapislazzuli
da spargere su vite evaporate
infine spiegate

 To be: looking from the square/ the windows of my home/ the curtains closed to conceal intimate substances/ consumed in underground galleries crowded of gestures and words./ To imagine shutters beaten by the wind/ on deserted rooms now abandoned/ the footprints of transition marked by the anorexic weight of vacuum./ To explore with the tongue if remained teeth may be sufficient/ to chew still bitter hemlocks/ digging with fragile fingernails rocky walls/ searching crumbs of lapis-lazuli/ to spread on lives evaporated/ finally explained


Stagliati in controluce
verso il ritrarsi dell´onda
il fondale trasparente riflette meduse di capelli
su barconi come culle per figli aggrovigliati
aggrappati in abbracci prosciugati dall´arsura.

Al collo forate conchiglie a cono
antiche collane conservate per la festa
in attesa come pesci
le branchie rosee spalancate sotto il sole
l´oceano senza fine a levigare pietre di pensieri.

Grappoli di frutti selvatici immersi nell´azzurro
danze armoniose di corpi sprofondati
legni gonfi restituiti dall´acqua
sparsi su spiagge abbandonate
a rinsecchire come tronchi.

Rimane da imitare il volo degli uccelli
sollevare lo sguardo oltre il profilo dei paesi
verso il colore mutevole del cielo.

Crossing: standing out in backlight/ toward the withdraw of the waves/ the transparent depth reflects meduse of hair/ on barges like cribs for children entangled/ clutched at hugs dried by drought/. On the neck perforated conical shells/ ancient necklaces kept for the feast/  waiting like fish/ rosy gills thrown open under the sun/ the endless ocean sanding stones of thoughts./ Bunches of wild fruits immersed in the blue/ harmonious dances of bodies sunken/ woods swollen given back from water/ spread on beaches abandoned/ to become dry as logs./ It remains to imitate the flight of birds/ raise our gaze beyond the profile of the countries/ towards the changing colour of the sky.


Risvegliarsi consumati
nell´estiva notte fiorita di verbena
dopo aver attraversato
gobbosi sentieri da enduro
i vetri spalancati a cercare stelle
con mani sudate in ogni piega
contornare la tua bocca
per tatuare segni di desideri
già avverati
Saint Lawrence: awaken consumed/ in the summery flowered night of vervain/ after crossing rough paths for endures/ the wide open windows looking for stars/ with sweaty hands in every drop/ to surround your mouth/ for tattoo signs of desires/ already made true.

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