The suggestive harmony of classicality”


Alessia Cipitì, former student of Liceo Classico , and she is now student of law.
In 1996 she won first prize at the 13th Design Contest David Sacco.
After various artistic activities she developed a passion for poetry and in 2007 she won both the first prize at the Festival of Poetry in Vercelli Civil City and the third prize in the IX International Poetry Prize City of Monza.
   After various artistic activities she developed a passion for poetry and in 2007 she won both the first prize at the Festival of Poetry in Vercelli Civil City and the third prize in the IX International Poetry Prize City of Monza.
At the same time she  puts herself to the test by participating in the Poetry Slam at the Cultural Center "The Scighera" in Milan, writing  civilians poems staged at the show "for ametre of Love”(Vercelli, Teatro Civico, 2008), and participating in Reading poetry (such as the Microfestival of Novara).
  Between 2008 and 2009 she is involved in the publication of two books for Turin Poetry: "The rice paper. Fifteen poets of Vercelli "and "Pollockiana. Contemporary Italian poets for the new American painting" without neglecting her participation in contests of poetry, and acquiring an honorable mention in poetry contest" Quantarte is also a word "(Domodossola); she was also  a finalist in the APICE poetry competition 2009 with this justification" For the classic images that press the daily practice of his poetic thought" (Cuorgné).  In 2010, then, she is included in the 2010 agenda issued in memory of Fernando Pessoa by "The pages of the Poet" (Rome)      


Critical comment:

The lexical collective of Alessia Cipitì is a formula inclined to sounds crabby, charm, substantial and the relief given in homage to pity becomes, in the immediacy, extraneous to banality and mediocrity.
Τύχη, nameless, surrounds all the possible names for baptizing with a technical language that evades any vagueness and rethink the "All" classically designed transposing, in filigree, in a postmodern disoriented and bewildered.
The expressive horizons are widening in the registration of moments of a apparently fragile scaffolding, Here to the silence gives voice not even a buzz, but actually solid and fixed enough to provide funds to an art that creates harmony in the flattering suggestion of a "p a n " that pierces  the Absence to become true : Man disappears to every word said ...
The point of view "higher" is not in the space but in the time of an aestate punctuating the question, Remains to be seen how long the sun still reigns characterizing the author’s poetry as "interrogative" with ground "philosophical" sorties, whose dizziness can be seen for skill and flair, ensuring the 'epiphany' only in secret.
Almost rude and sly the line, without sentimental concessions except those enjoyable in the joy full and rational of the word through the human life.
(Commento diCristina Raddavero)

The poems:

Priestess of the temple,
nameless vestal
invoking the benevolence of the gods
believe you there is a time to love?
Even if only to make perpetual existence ...
This is ascertained even among the gods.
There remains the question whether here on Earth is granted
and whether it should pay the price for the remaining life.


Not a question of regeneration
reactionary philosophy doesn’t know  stasis.
You gave my name to the plant of rosemary
to comb, to the coffee cup.
Mutate from form to form ...
call her double life.
But your philosophy reactionary
does not allow me any epiphany.
I was, "That only" to fill in a single day
your whole life.

  “Aestate summa”
Here to silence
gives voice not even a hum
but the smell of growing seed encourages the diggers.
The sun, this time, doesn’t seek the shadow behind the hats
but is prepared to annoy the current patience of bulls
rotating horns and tail.
Red vermilion it is also found in the mountains
the sienna charge its colors.
Remains to be understand how much the King Sun reigns
before a slight coolness lies down,
relief given in tribute of pity.


Slide discontinued
You grow in myths and pagan legends
loyal only to what you enjoy.
To me, I always dispose my arms like cradle
to make you less harsh adversity ...
to me, I handle the pen to feed you
and weapons to defend yourself ...
to me, you deny to see you grow man.


Do not ask me a time to speak,
one to keep quiet.
I do not like the approval.
Legitimize squabbles
is like digging into a basket of garbage.
Man disappears at every word said ...
Unaware to the master
Invisible to the pupil ...



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