Dante Alighieri, one of us
Memories of a life between history and legend
(Solfanelli - Chieti)

First edition Commedia (Giolitina) in which the title Divina appears - 1555
We are in 1321, Dante returns from an embassy to Venice and returns to Ravenna where he was staying in exile. During the return trip he falls ill (perhaps) with malaria and will die the night between 13 and 14 September. In the last week of his life, I imagined that Dante retraces the episodes and the topical moments that have marked his existence and his work. |
He retraces them through the words and memories of his writings but also through the most authoritative historical and literary sources. In the notes to the text, however, I documented the bibliographic origin of each reference with scrupulous attention.

What emerges is the portrait of a strong and vigorous man who has never yielded to the injustices suffered and, despite the outrageous blows of fate, he loved, dreamed, suffered and fought to the end; if life has defeated and disappointed him, his immortal pages of disconcerting topicality still vibrate today with the freshness and charm of a poetic legacy that never fades. |

Dante Alighieri is truly one of us, and the annotations of this notebook offer all readers of all ages the opportunity to find him or find him again as an old school friend whom we had forgotten or whose memory we had perhaps lost in the way. |

social commitment

and political

the death sentence

I love Dante almost like the Bible. He is my spiritual food. The rest is just "ballast".
. James Joyce
Dante and Shakespeare share the modern world; there is no third.
Thomas Stearns Eliot |
Dante is a prophet of hope, herald of the possibility of redemption, of liberation, of the profound change of every man and woman, of all humanity.
Pope Francis I. |
