According to legend, Sevilla was founded by Hercules and its origins are linked with the Tartessian civilisation. It was called Hispalis under the Romans and Isbiliya with the Moors. Its high point in its history was following the discovery of America.
Sevilla lies on the banks of the Guadalquivir and is one of the largest historical centres in Europe, it has the minaret of La Giralda, the cathedral (one of the largest in Christendom), and the Alcázar Palace. Part of its treasure include Casa de Pilatos, Torre del Oro, the Town Hall, Archive of the Indies (where the historical records of the American continent are kept), the Fine Arts Museum (the second largest picture gallery in Spain) , plus convents, parish churches and palaces.
Among the prominent personalities who were born or who have had relationship withSeville, we remember: the baroque painters Diego Velàzquez, Valdés Leal, Murillo. The roman emperors Traiano and Adriano. The romantic poet Gustavo Adolf Béquer and the 20th century poets: Vicete Aleixandre (Nobel laureate), Antonio Machado, Manuel Machado, Luis Cernuda. Many corners of the city are remembered in the works of Cervantes. In Seville briefly resided Washington Irving.
Gustavo Adolfo Domínguez Bastida, better known as Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, (February 17, 1836- December 22, 1870) was a Spanishpost-romanticism writer of poetry and short stories, now considered one of the most important figures in Spanish Literature. He adopted the alias of Bécquer as his brother Valeriano Bécquer, a painter, had done earlier. He was associated with the post romanticism movement and wrote while realism was enjoying success in Spain. He was moderately well known during his life, but it was after his death that most of his works were published. His best known works are the Rhymes and the Legends, usually published together as Rimas y leyendas. These poems and tales are essential to the study of Spanish literature and common reading for high-school students in Spanish speaker students. |

Béquer by his brother Valerio |

Vicente Aleixandre |

Antonio Machado |

Manuel Machado |
Lyrics by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer |
Volveràn las oscuras golondrinas
Volverán las oscuras golondrinas
de tu balcón sus nidos a colgar,
y otra vez con el ala a sus cristales
jugando llamarán.
Pero aquellas que el vuelo refrenaban
tu hermosura y mi dicha a contemplar,
aquellas que aprendieron nuestros nombres...
Esas... no volverán!
Volverán las tupidas madreselvas
de tu jardín las tapias a escalar,
y otra vez a la tarde aún más hermosas
sus flores se abrirán.
Pero aquellas cuajadas de rocío
cuyas gotas mirábamos temblar
y caer como lágrimas del día...
Esas... ¡no volverán!
Volverán del amor en tus oídos
las palabras ardientes a sonar,
tu corazón de su profundo sueño
tal vez despertará.
Pero mudo y absorto y de rodillas,
como se adora a Dios ante su altar,
como yo te he querido... desengáñate,
nadie así te amara.
Lejos y entre los àrboles
Lejos y entre los árboles
de la intricada selva
¿no ves algo que brilla
y llora? Es una estrella.
Ya se la ve más próxima,
como a través de un tul,
de una ermita en el pórtico
brillar. Es una luz.
De la carrera rápida
el término está aquí.
Desilusión. No es lámpara ni estrella
la luz que hemos seguido: es un candil.

The monument of Bécquer in Sevilla ( Maria Luisa Park)